Una vez un equipo indie ha terminado un juego o está en la fase de desarrollo y tiene claro los datos clave del juego como el modelo de negocio, plataformas, ventana de lanzamiento y un roadmap bien definido es momento de pensar como querréis lanzar su juego . Evidentemente la auto publicación es una opción, pero obliga al equipo a derivar recursos (tiempo, conocimientos y dinero) en entender como se debe lanzar un juego para que este funcione o al menos recuperemos lo invertido. Como desarrollador de juegos indie, conocer el funcionamiento de los publishers es crucial para decidir si trabajar con uno puede ayudarte a lanzar y comercializar tu juego de manera más efectiva. El punto clave para ello es evaluar lo que necesitamos de él (porting, marqueting, localización, etc.), analizar que recoup tendremos (dinero que habrá que devolver al publisher) y con que condiciones. El recoup (o recoupment) es el proceso por el cual un publisher recupera el dinero invertido en un juego antes d...
Hoy se ha anunciado la versión Alpha de Gorilla 3D Engine para Delphi Firemonkey. Poco a poco se van despejando las dudas sobre su potencial y especificaciones.
Según la web oficial se podrán desarrollar aplicaciones y juegos para Windows, Android, iOS, MacOS y Linux.
- Skin-, Skeleton- und Vertexanimations for 3D Meshes (Key-Animations)
- Integrated and fast Q3 Physics Engine (with collision detection)
- Materials: textures, bump-mapping, vertex-color, phong-, blinn-, lambert-materials, water and reflection
- Loading complex multi-mesh models with UV-textures
- Logical model management (independent from FireMonkey tree), to manage a large amount of meshes and to instanciate separatly
- Optimized mesh generation in multi-mesh models: number of vertices reduced to the necessary vertices
- Flexible particle-system with influencer-classes (up to 100K particle at runtime)
- Shadow-Volume rendering
- Multipass-Rendering
- Depth-Of-Field
- Skybox-support
- Terrain rendering: from height-maps and procedural algorithms (Diamond-Square, Perlin-Noise, ...)
- New Point3D-, Quaternion-, Transformationsmatrix- und VertexKey-Animationen
- Multitrack AudioManager (threadsafe)
- AssetsManager with packaging system
- Flexible dialogue-system: load, save and edit at runtime
- Fast 3D model loading
- Compatible with existing FireMonkey components
- Platform-independent: WIN32, WIN64, ANDROID, iOS, MACOS, LINUX-x86 (by third-party product usage
- Formate: G3D , X3D, X3DZ, OBJ, STL , DAE, FBX
- Dynamic or static meshes supported
- Skin-Animation (Keyframes)
- Skeleton-Animation (Keyframes)
- Vertex-Animation (Keyframes)
- Vector-Animation
- AnimationManager for handling multiple animations per model
- Animation-Caching
- Compressed Caching - information is stored as zip or lz4 (win32) stream in memory
- Uncompressed Caching - more memory usage, but unbelievably fast!
- Normal- and BumpMapping
- Gaussian, Lambert, Phong, Blinn-Phong (textured)
- VertexColor
- Water-Material
- LayeredMaterial
- NodeMaterial (experimental) with FlowChart-Editor
- Runtime-Shader: Design, load & save shader material at runtime
- Variance-Shadow-Mapping (experimental)
- Shadow-Volume Rendering with multiple light sources
- Simple create a MultiPass component and attach to viewer
- Reusage of MultiPasses possible to reduce rendering
- Already in use for water and depth-of-field rendering
- High performance particle-system with shader integration
- Manipulate every particle very easy by influencer classes
- Randomization parameters configurable
- Extendable material shader for individual particle handling
- User interactive particle emittance, f.e. at mouse position
- Included influencers: gravity, wind, path, traktor, obstacles...
- Physics on obstacles (spherical, cubic and meshes)
- Template particle-systems for fire, smoke, rain, snow, waterfall, eruption, explosion, ...
- Generating from height-map image
- Randomization possible
- Procedural generation by: diamond square, mandelbrot, perlin-noise (linear, cosine and cubic), plateau algorithms
- Resolution configurable
- SkyBox
- Water-Surface
Q3 Physics Engine
- Box and sphere colliders
- Accuracy configurable (lower accuracy means faster calculation)
- Up to 1024 colliders without great performance loss
- Easy binding to Firemonkey 3D controls
- Interactive physics world manipulation
- Much faster than compareable physics engines
- Mesh-Collider (experimental)
- Terrain-Collider (experimental)
- Particle-Collider (experimental)
- Separate thread usage (experimental)
Multitrack AudioManager
- Audio-Precaching for realtime playback without loading latency
- Thread-Safe implementation: play audio from any thread
- Simultaneously audio playback possible
- Looped playback, f.e. for music tracks
- Complex & flexible design in tree structure
- (Un)lockable items
- Crosslinking of items possible
- Set question, answer or floating item display time - for fast-reaction games
- Design of dialogues & monologues with colloquist information
- Multilingual system easily definable
- Auto-language selection
- Set variables to implement gaming elements
- Set parameters to interact back with your game/application
- Events for: showing text and images, playing audio, video and animations, executing method calls, property settings, redirection & more
- Events with different scopes: dialogue item, UI-element, gaming element
- Pause, stop and skip dialogues and items
- Storable as single or multiple dialogue files/streams (dynamic loading possible)
- Storeable in xml format
- Loadable from xml file/stream
- Readable and understandable xml format, to outsource design & management of dialogues.
- Fully customizable in Delphi
- Free DialogueDesigner inside the Gorilla3D engine
- Create dialogues, items and events simply by drag & drop
- Move, rearrange and delete items & events
- Configure every dialogue, item and event in detail
- Treeview for easy dialogue navigation
- Preview dialogues in sandbox viewer
Inventory (experimental)
- Complex & flexible inventory management
- Create item templates, groups and manufacturers
- Items with thumbnail and preview models
- Groups with thumbnails
- Multilingual system easily definable (f.e.: for group/item names)
- Item groups to categorize your elements, f.e.: weapons, notes, keys, ...
- Items can up- and downgrade
- Manufacturers to setup crafting and item combinations
- Multiple items manufacturable and quantity manageable
- Craft items in editable time in asynchrone backend thread
- Items and groups with max quantity management
- Items and groups with weight management
- Collect items pooled or each as single instance
- Collect items in dependencies, f.e. only if you have collected an ax, you can collect wood
- Set variables to implement gaming elements
- Set parameters to interact back with your game/application
- Preview inventory in sandbox with test-UI
- Handle easily models, textures, audio files & more
- Reuse assets for faster loading and less memory usage
- Packages for modularizing your application
- Group assets for handling your media even in large packages
- Just-in-time loading of packages possible (load assets when they are needed)
- Stored as zip-archive for transparent content management
- AssetsManager Tool with media preview: manage your packages easily!
- G3D (Gorilla3D-Format): full support incl. skin-, skeleton- and vertex-animation
- DAE (Collada): full support incl. skin-, skeleton- and vertex-animation
- X3D: full support incl. skin-, skeleton- and vertex-animation
- X3DZ: full support incl. skin-, skeleton- and vertex-animation
- OBJ (Wavefront): triangle and face import
- STL (Stereolithography): triangle and face import
- FBX (Autodesk): triangle, face and polygon import
Excelente articulo.